I survived the first week!!!...and I still want to go back :-)
This is a feat that I never imagined. Honestly. After the turmoil of my first year - and no, I am NOT exaggerating - it is hard for me to believe that I am actually enjoying this as much as I am. I have a really great group of kids. It's been only 4 days and I already have a few favorites. By the end of the year last year, there were very few students that I was sad to see go. That should never be the case. If you've bonded properly with your class and you've formed good relationships and a strong community I would expect that you would be a little sad to see them leave you. All ups and downs aside, you still really care about those kids.
Last year I just never achieved that bond. It was a rough group, to be sure, but there were so many outside factors contributing to my frustration throughout the year. Put that together with being a first year teacher in a district that believes firmly in teacher autonomy with no set reading or writing curriculum and you get one disheveled, angry, stressed out Katy.
A long summer of nothing but mindless television really did wonders for my attitude. And here I am, actually enjoying my job again. But don't get any ideas. I was still very ready for Friday.
A few highlights from the week:
1. 4th graders have such infectious smiles. When they are happy, it spreads over their whole face. Not to mention that they are so little and eager to please their teacher. They. are. adorable.
2. I made a reference to the tv show "icarly" yesterday when I was talking to them about their reading contracts. I think I said "If you don't read your goal of 100 minutes this week because you were too busy watching the latest icarly episode, that is not a good excuse!" I had them ROLLING in the aisles. hysterical.
3. I never stayed at work past 4pm this week, and I have decent plans for next week. I've transitioned well and I'm embracing some new ideas this year. I started teaching the foundation lessons for the Daily 5 (which is a dream. You're right Miss G!) and I've slowed myself down a bit to get all the routines and such established. It's my nature to want to rush through all this because I feel like I'm supposed to be teaching "real" content right off the bat. That just isn't so. Even my principal mentioned to another girl on my team that she doesn't expect us to be teaching content until October! All these routines and procedures and classroom community building activities are far more important at this point. All of these set the stage for a great year, and for more efficient work later on.
4. I really like my new team members. I was so sad to see 2 of my closest coworkers go at the end of last year. I had some survivor's guilt due to the way things went down on our team. HOWEVER, my new mini-team members seem to share my teaching philosophy, and we have begun a great relationship where we have great communication. It is especially nice because they are not as established in their own routines, and we are all a little bit more in the same boat of not knowing exactly how we want to proceed with everything. We have made plenty of group decisions, and I no longer feel like I"m a burden. If anything, they look to me for guidance - this is crazy, but it's working.
So......yay! first week, check!